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How Effective is Green Tea Extract for Weight Loss?

Is it effective green tea extract for weight loss? Are you getting weight-loss benefits from drinking green tea? Yes, but there are reasons to consider adding some weight loss supplements to your weight loss regimen, too.

Green Tea Extract for Weight Loss: Let's Find Out How Effective It Is

Many studies suggest that green tea could help control appetite, decrease calorie intake, and improve overall diet quality

A 2012 clinical trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants in a dietary intervention study who drank green tea for six months had a weight loss of up to 13 pounds.

green tea extract for weight loss  green tea extract for weight loss 

The effect appears to be more pronounced with green tea extracts and green tea powder than it is with tea leaves. 

The green tea extract studied and used as a weight loss supplement was estimated to contribute 5 to 6 percent of weight loss, whereas tea leaves were not estimated to contribute that much.

The effect on appetite is more specific and well-known than weight loss and has been proven for some time. 

A study published in 2003 found that green tea extracts improved appetite in adults and children with mild-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease and led to a reduction in levels of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s patients.

More recent research has shown that the consumption of green tea could have a more effective impact on appetite than consuming green tea leaves, specifically among adults. 

A clinical trial published in 2012 found that consumption of green tea extract improved food intake in people who consumed diet plans without weight loss over three months, and the effect lasted for as long as 26 months.

We know that green tea powder and green tea extract have an effect on appetite. The effect is specific and is not caused by an increase in calorie consumption. 

It might help you lose weight, but there’s little evidence to support this green tea extract for weight loss.

A recent study published in the journal Nutrients showed that people consumed a diet that included green tea powder, green tea extract, or green tea leaf powder, and there were significant improvements in body weight and weight reduction of about 2 pounds per month. 

Green tea seemed to have an effect on weight loss for both male and female participants, and the results were consistent for participants who consumed fewer calories (or a more active lifestyle) than the participants who consumed more.

This is a study that focused specifically on weight loss. 

The results in a real-world scenario would not likely be the same, however. Some of the participants in the study consumed much more green tea than others, so the overall effect on weight loss might not be as dramatic for all participants, or even for the same person.

The weight loss itself would be worth the time and effort to include green tea powder or green tea extract in your weight-loss plan if it helped you lose weight. 

Green tea may also help reduce the amount of calories that you consume on a daily basis, which could have an effect on the number of calories you burn.

Calorie: Other Benefits of Green Tea

Your ultimate goal is to consume fewer calories, however, and you need to consider that there are some other benefits to green tea that should be taken into consideration. 

Green tea has been shown to lower the risk of coronary heart disease, reduce the risk of diabetes, improve insulin sensitivity, and improve certain aspects of the metabolic process. 

All of these effects seem to be tied to the effect on calorie consumption.

Green tea might also be an effective way to reduce the risk of cancer. 

A study published in 2006 looked at cancer risk from drinking green tea and concluded that green tea seemed to reduce the risk of lung, colon, kidney, and liver cancer. 

It did not have an effect on breast cancer, however.

There’s no significant evidence to support weight loss benefits from green tea powder, either, at least not in a comprehensive study.

So what’s the deal with green tea powder? The best way to enjoy it is to consume it in the form of tea, as we’ve been doing. 

Green tea can also be added to food. A combination of honey and green tea could be an effective weight-loss strategy. 

sleep slim tea

Green tea might also have benefits in reducing diabetes risk. The best way to find out about all the good things green tea does is to consume it every day.

Honey and green tea combined are good to eat, too. It’s important to keep in mind that the effects of consuming honey and green tea are significantly stronger for some benefits than others. 

Honey tends to be good for your heart and blood pressure. Green tea seems to be good for diabetes and healthy weight management. 

It may be best to take all of the benefits into consideration before choosing a diet plan or plan to follow on this green tea powder, green tea leaf, or green tea extract for weight loss.